Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Purpose of His Presence

When it comes to the presence of God, you must understand that His presence has a purpose other then just making you feel good. Many in the body of Christ have an experience with God’s presence, but never come to know the purpose of His presence, why He shows up and allow you the privilege of experiencing Him in a fresh new way. Well God gas given me a glimpse into the original purpose of His presence: In order to understand, you must know the first principle of it. Here it is:

One you discover the purpose of His presence you will began to learn how to practice the presence of God and transition from His “Omnipresence to His Manifested presence.” In order to know this, you must start in the beginning: The book of Genesis. The scripture says concerning Adam & Eve. And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam & his wife hid themselves from “the presence of the Lord” Notice…! “They heard the sound of the Lord walking” This was the manifested presence of God. And because they has disobeyed God’s Word. His manifested presence brought a fear that caused them to hide themselves from Him. Instead of the fear of God causing them to reverence Him. So according to the scripture. The original purpose of His presence is “Intimate Fellowship” Therefore when you began to feel the presence of God it is an indication and signal that He wants fellowship, to commune with you that He might reveal something about Himself to you. But Sin and disobedience hinders that intimate fellowship causing you to hide and fear His presence instead of respect, reverence and enjoy His presence. Because of Adam’s fall the manifested presence of God lost, but because of Christ: it was restored. God never intended for us just to have His omnipresence, but His manifested presence. Because His omnipresence brings comfort, while His manifested presence brings change. His omnipresence gives you a sense He is present, while His manifested presence gives you a knowing that He is present. The reason many unbelievers who know you, aren’t interested in knowing your God, is because you don’t have enough of His manifested presence in your life that causes unbelievers to come into your presence and be changed by His manifested presence in your life. Say amen or ouch…! O that we might cry out to Him for more of Him. Wednesday I will continue this teaching. God Bless.

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